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Batteries Plus Offers Free Vehicle & Cell Phone Battery Testing

Power - by Bryan Veldboom - updated on 12/5/2022

Someone plugging a phone in over a desk with a laptop, cup of coffee and plant on it

Where can I get my battery tested? That's a question you may find yourself asking when a phone, motorcycle or other vehicle starts behaving strangely. You're probably aware that Batteries Plus offers free car and truck battery testing, but did you know that we test other batteries too? All of our locations offer complimentary testing on a wide variety of device and vehicle batteries.

What Kinds of Batteries Does Batteries Plus Test?

Here's an in-depth list of the vehicle and device batteries we test in our stores.

Vehicle Starting Batteries (SLI)

  • Cars
  • Trucks
  • Marine starting batteries
  • RV & camper starting batteries
  • Powersports vehicles - motorcycles, ATVs, UTVs, snowmobiles & personal watercraft

Device Batteries

  • Cell phones
  • Tablets
  • E-readers
  • Laptops
  • Watches
  • Generators

Deep Cycle Batteries

  • Marine house batteries
  • RV & camper house batteries
  • Golf carts
  • Children's riding toys
  • Wheelchairs

How Do You Test a Deep Cycle Battery?

While SLI and common device batteries can be quick-tested in a matter of minutes, deep cycle batteries like those used in golf carts, wheelchairs and children's riding toys require longer testing times. This is because deep cycle batteries are designed to deliver smaller amounts of power over a much longer period of time.

In order to accurately gauge the lifespan of a deep cycle battery, it's necessary to perform a capacity test. Batteries Plus does test deep cycle batteries, but you should be aware that testing them takes several hours to complete.

How Can I Tell If My Car Battery is Dying?

There are a number of signs that will tell you when a vehicle's starting battery has reached the end of its life. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's a good idea to have the battery tested. Having your battery tested at Batteries Plus only takes 90 seconds and can save you the hassle of finding yourself stranded once the weather gets cold.

  • The battery has a difficult time turning over the vehicle's engine
  • Radios, power windows and other electronics don't work as efficiently as they used to
  • Headlights appear dimmer than normal
  • There is a heavy buildup of corrosion on the battery's terminals
  • The battery has a misshapen or swollen appearance

What are the Symptoms of Phone Battery Failure?

Many devices allow you to check the health of your battery directly. Read our blogs entitled "How to Check the Battery Health of Your Phone," and "How to Monitor Battery Life for Your Laptop, Tablet or E-Reader," for tips on how to monitor your battery's status.

Additionally, there are a number of signs that tell you when the battery in your phone, tablet, laptop or other device is dying.

  • The device no longer completely charges
  • The battery drains too quickly
  • You need to charge the device multiple times a day
  • The device drops its charge immediately after being removed from its charger
  • The device randomly crashes

What Happens When a Deep Cycle Battery Dies?

When deep cycle battery begins to go bad, you will notice a drop in the battery's performance characterized by the following:

  • The battery won't hold a charge
  • You notice a sluggish performance
  • The battery experiences shorter run times
  • The battery has a cracked, misshapen or swollen appearance

Common Battery Testing Questions and Answers

Does a battery need to be charged in order to test it?

Yes. Batteries Plus will charge a discharged battery for you, however, some of our locations charge for this service and this will also add additional time to your visit.

Should you remove your vehicle battery before bringing it to us?

In most cases, yes. For auto batteries, though, there's no reason to remove it. Just drive your car or truck to our location and we'll test it out in the lot.

Should you remove the battery from a phone, tablet or laptop before bringing it Batteries Plus?

No. The batteries in laptops, phones and tablets can be difficult to remove and if you don't know what you're doing, you could end up damaging the device. When it comes to digital devices, it's best to let our trained experts remove the battery for you.

Does Batteries Plus Install Batteries?

So, what happens if your battery needs to be replaced? Batteries Plus carries thousands of replacement batteries for an enormous range of vehicles, devices and industrial applications. Shop our selection of batteries online, or visit your nearest Batteries Plus location. Our associates are trained experts who can help recommend the best battery for your specific needs. In addition, we offer battery installation service for cars and trucks, cell phones, tablets, laptops, watches and key fobs.

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