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How to Change the Battery in Your Key Fob

Tech - by Joe Weber - updated on 8/30/2023

It's inevitable. You will have to replace the battery in your vehicle's key fob at some point in your life. If you've never done it before, it can be a little stressful. But don't fret, it's easier than you think. And if you don't want to do it yourself, we are happy to do it for you with our key fob battery replacement service.

Where Can I Get My Key Fob Battery Replaced?

Don't want to do it yourself? Or are you prone to breaking things, like me? No problem! Batteries Plus is here to help. We offer several affordable options to have the battery in your key fob changed and get you on your way.

Single Replacement

Are you not going to be keeping the car for much longer, or are you replacing it for someone else? The single replacement option is great for those situations where you just need to replace the battery in your fob once. For close to the price of a pack of batteries we will quickly and carefully replace the battery(s) in your key fobs and send you on your way.

Lifetime Replacement

If you've got a newer car that is going to be yours for a long time or you just don't want to have to worry about having to replace the battery(s) in your key fob for as long as you own the car, then our lifetime option is perfect for you. Just pay once and get your battery replaced whenever it needs to for as long as you own the vehicle.

Important Note

The prices for these services will vary depending on your location in the country and how many batteries your key fob requires. Please contact your local store for all of the details.

How Do I Change the Battery in My Key Fob?

Prefer to do it yourself? No problem there either. We carry a large selection of button cell batteries that fit in whichever key fob you have.

It's important to remember that every key fob is different and that the instructions provided are generalized to show what you need to do to replace the battery. You should always research how to remove the battery from your specific key fob before attempting to do it to avoid damaging the fob.

Identify the Battery (On Some Keys)

If you are lucky, the type of battery you need is stamped onto the back or side of the key fob, making it easier to identify the battery without taking it apart before you are ready.

If your key does not have the battery identified on the outside of the key, you'll need to take the key apart to pull the old battery out.

There are also many tools online that you can use to determine which battery you need for your key fob. The one nice thing, key fobs generally only use one of a few batteries, and chances are, yours takes the CR2032 lithium coin cell battery. Some other commonly used batteries for key fobs include the CR2450, CR2025, CR1616 and CR2016.

Open the Key Fob

Many key fobs are a clamshell design, meaning that two halves snap together. They usually have a small notch along the bottom where you can use a coin or even another key to very carefully pry the two pieces apart. Once you've separated the two pieces, you should then be able to access the battery.

Some key fobs, like those with a flip-out key, have small parts that may come loose when you open the key. Please make sure to keep an eye on those pieces so you remember how they go back together.

Remove the Battery

Pay close attention to how the battery is installed, is the positive side up? Or is it the negative side up? You'll want to remember which orientation the battery is inserted into the key fob so you can install the new battery the correct way.

If you didn't already have the battery you needed, now is the time to run to Batteries Plus and pick up a pack so you have extras. This is one of the many reasons why it's important to have a spare key fob for your vehicle.

Insert the New Battery

Insert your new battery into the battery slot inside the open key fob. Make sure that you insert the battery in the same orientation that it was in when you removed the old one.

Close the Key Fob

After you install the new battery, you can close the key fob by carefully snapping the two halves back together.

Test the Key Fob

Once everything snapped back together, hopefully, you didn't break anything like I usually do, you can press the lock or unlock button while pointing it at your vehicle to ensure it's working as expected.

Everything working? Great! Hop in the car, go for a drive and be proud that you added one more thing to your list of things you can do yourself.

Is the Key Fob Still Not Working?

Did you push the button and nothing happened? Don't worry, let's take the fob apart to make sure that the new battery was inserted the correct way. Was it upside down? Flip it over and put it back together and try pushing a button again.

Still nothing? Ok, no worries, you might need a new key fob. Bring it into a Batteries Plus near you and we can test it to make sure it's sending out a signal when a button is pressed. If it turns out that your key fob is bad, we can help! We offer key fob solutions for many of today's vehicles and would be happy to help you get a working key fob for your vehicle.

If you'd like to learn more about the types of key fobs and key fob services we offer at Batteries Plus, check out our very helpful article, "Do I Have to Go to a Car Dealership for a New Key Fob?".