- by Joe Weber - updated on 6/13/2024
Key fobs come in many shapes and styles, ranging from flip keys and fobiks to smart remotes. They're super convenient, but what do you do when your key fob goes bad? Keep reading for answers to your key fob-related questions and learn how to save money and time with Batteries Plus' key fob replacement service.
Fun Fact
FOBIK stands for Frequency Operated Button Integrated Key and is a type of remote that doubles as a key. You insert the remote into the ignition to start the vehicle instead of a key.
As with any battery, the one powering your vehicle's remote or fob must be replaced from time to time. Typically, a car fob battery should last between three and four years. Some remotes, like smart remotes, will wear down batteries a little faster as they are always sending out a signal to the vehicle. Don't worry though, your remote has a way of telling you when your fob battery is dying.
In addition to battery issues, the physical remote itself can sometimes experience problems. Some of the most common issues are:
Fortunately, all of these issues can be fixed by replacing your damaged or malfunctioning fob with a replacement model.
Where should you go when you need your vehicle key fob replaced? Don't make the dealership your first stop, go to Batteries Plus first. Dealerships can sometimes take weeks for you to get your replacement fob, plus it can cost as much as several hundred dollars depending on the make and model of your vehicle.
Batteries Plus performs these same services much faster and usually much cheaper, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars depending on your vehicle. Our experts will help you determine why your current fob isn't working and provide you with the most cost-effective solution to get you back on the road.
On average, our customers end up saving up to 50% of what dealerships charge.
Story Time
Sadly, this is a true story. I'm not going to tell who experienced this but you can probably guess. From a dealership, a 2008 Chrysler PT Cruiser key costs roughly $200 plus a cut and program fee that can range anywhere from $50 to $100. This is current pricing by the way, back when this service was performed it was even higher. At Batteries Plus, this same key is only around $100 plus a cut and programming fee. What cost me, um, this person, easily around $300 at the dealership, only costs around $150 at Batteries Plus.
We'll also have your new fob ready for you in about an hour and all of our key fob services are covered by a six-month warranty.
If you don't think you need a new remote but it doesn't work as expected, you may just need a fresh battery. Batteries Plus offers one-time and unlimited key fob battery replacement options.
For not much more than the cost of a battery, you can let us do all the work for you. Trust me, this is a great option over doing it yourself. Our experts have done hundreds, if not thousands of new battery replacements and can complete this in a matter of minutes. Save yourself time and headaches by having us replace your battery while you wait.
Listen, changing batteries can be frustrating. That's why we offer an unlimited battery replacement service for your vehicle key fob. For less than the cost of a tank of gas, you can get batteries replaced and installed in your vehicle key fob at any time by our battery experts.
At Batteries Plus, we know that your time is one of the most important things. You have things to do, the last thing you want or need is to spend time waiting around. Save precious time by buying your key fob battery replacements online! Just buy online and head to the store.
Not sure where to start? Visit us online to find the right key remote for your model car or truck. Looking for additional auto products and services? Find everything you need at our automotive center, including car battery replacement service, headlight bulbs and more.