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CAM20002 Empire Scientific Universal Camera and Camcorder Charger


CAM20002 Empire Scientific Universal Camera and Camcorder Charger

41 dollars 99 cents
Product Details
  • Power Source:
  • Brand:
    Empire Scientific
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Product Information
  • This Empire Scientific universal camera and camcorder charger is a perfect fit for your Kodak, Fuji, Olympus, Panasonic and many other camera and camcorder batteries.
  • Comes ready to use in your home or your car. The LED lights in the charger indicate the level of charge your battery is at.
  • Empire Scientific universal chargers are made with high-quality parts for a premium product at a lower cost that will give you a new level of power for your camera to keep up with work or play.
  • Recycle your old camera batteries with us. Bring in your old battery and let us do the work of properly disposing it. Some fees may apply; see store for details.
  • Empire Scientific universal camera and camcorder chargers come with a 1-year warranty
Item Number:
Power Source:
Empire Scientific
Product Category:
Digital Camera/Camcorder
Product Sub Category:
Universal Chargers
Search Terms:
0.9 lbs
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