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This disclosure is provided pursuant to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, § 1714.43 of the California Civil Code, which requires retailers and manufacturers above a certain size and doing business in California to disclose what efforts, if any, they have taken to monitor human trafficking and the use of slave labor in their supply chains.
Batteries Plus Bulbs, and its wholly owned subsidiary, Ascent Battery Supply LLC, recognizes the critical role we play in making products that improve lives and offer better solutions than other alternatives. Doing so sustainably requires that we balance the social, environmental and economic benefits and risks of our products, including how they are sourced, manufactured and used.
Suppliers and employees play a key role in our efforts to ensure that we manage our global supply chain in a sustainable way. Batteries Plus Bulbs sources its raw materials and other inputs with reputable companies with high standards. By signing a purchase order or contract, the supplier or employee certifies that it conducts business pursuant to laws related including, but not limited to, laws that prohibit slavery and human trafficking. A supplier's or employee's failure to honor its independent legal and contractual commitment to Batteries Plus Bulbs is a violation of law and breach of the contract, and the contract may be terminated for any violation of law. Batteries Plus Bulbs does not believe that additional verification is necessary to continue to deliver our customers a quality product manufactured with integrity, and as such, Batteries Plus Bulbs does not further verify its product supply chains or audit its suppliers.
At this time, Batteries Plus Bulbs does not require its direct suppliers to certify that materials incorporated into the product sold to Batteries Plus Bulbs comply with the slavery and human trafficking laws in the country or countries in which they are doing business.
Batteries Plus Bulbs maintains internal accountability standards and procedures regarding employee compliance with applicable laws, which includes any laws regarding slavery and human trafficking. Batteries Plus Bulbs does not currently provide employees and management, who have direct responsibility for supply chain management, training specifically on human trafficking and slavery at this time.